We ship 1,000's of orders to UK, Ireland, Europe, USA and WORLDWIDE each month. We are experts in FISHING and 100% committed to our customer service.
You can TRUST US to DELIVER wherever you are ordering from.

We are one of the Largest Independently Owned Retailers in the UK and continue to grow year on year with over 60,000 items in stock for all types of fishing, Coarse, Game, Sea, Predator and Carp.
Our retail shop has been open since 1999 and has grown and developed each year since then becoming one of the biggest Fishing Tackle Shops in The UK.
Our online growth has been huge with us now shipping thousands of orders worldwide each month, we have built a strong reputation for being one of the best mail order specialists with industry-leading customer service and competitive pricing.
Our Fishing Tackle & Bait Store

Don’t hesitate to contact us for the best up-to-date advice and guidance.
We look forward to your custom!
The Fishing Tackle and Bait Team